Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Daily Account of the Roman Life - Morning.

This morning we didn't have class until 1:30, so Kristin and I got up and ready and went for our morning cappuccino. The people at the cafe, whom we see every morning always greet us with "ciao, ciao." Five minutes later, we were done with our coffee and then we went to buy bus tickets for class/volunteering and added a few postcards to our collection.

Our next stop was the local market. We bought an assortment of apples, peaches, nectarines, tomatoes and oranges for about 7.5E. Because we go to the same stand often, we each got a cherry and our basil for free. The owner of the stand is really great, and he, like others we know, tries to teach us Italian. When he's weighing out the item he says the name and price in Italian. I haven't really caught on to much of it yet, but will probably be understanding/learning more (hopefully!) before we leave Italy.

The weather was very hot, nearing 80 before 10:30am. This is the Rome weather I was expecting!

My Apartment

Our lovely kitchen. Hidden behind the facade of the cupboards are a dishwasher, fridge and washing machine!

Living room.

Bedroom. The open door on the left side is the bathroom that has been lightly flooding for the past few days.

Keys! One of which is huge. This is the key to our apartment door - see Notes and Notable Differences.

Basically posting these pictures and blogging fulfills my multitasking requirement, while reading the 60 page article for one of my classes tomorrow.

Notes and Notable Differences
Foam spoons - with each cappuccino, comes a foam spoon. This can be a small, completely flat "spoon", better resembling the long-handled tools used to take pizzas in and out of the oven. Other places simply use cute, small spoons, with the cupped shape we are used to. Both are very effective at consuming every last bit of foam left in the cup.

Keys and locks - In order to lock/unlock the door you have to turn the large key 4 times. Each time you turn it another deadbolt is locked/unlocked. Pretty secure!

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