Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Catching up on posts...

Ok, so once again sorry for the lame blog post! I swear things will get more exciting when I get to Istanbul on Friday! And, we will have wifi in the dorms that we are staying in, so I won't have any excuses for a lack of posts.

The highlight of my week thus far was going to St. Peter's on Monday. Because there are no paintings (all statues and mosaics) inside the church, I was able to take lots of pictures. It was by far the most beautiful church we have seen so far (duh). I hope you enjoy the pictures - especially you Catholics!

A pretty stream of light shining in.

The tip top of the baldachino captured while looking up into the dome. Only the pope can preach from beneath here as this situates him directly above the bones of St. Peter and under the dome connecting him to god.

Gelato Substitute

Cafe Zero (espresso) - not nearly as good as the mocha flavor, probably because of the lack chocolate. And, I tried a bite of Kristin's cappuccino flavored one that was also better than mine - it has a creamy layer of something like vanilla ice cream over the coffee layer :)

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