Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last Weekend in Roma!

Friday night, my apartment mates and I went down to the banks of the Tiber River (less than 10 minutes from my apartment) where there are a ton of tents lining both sides of the river selling goods, serving drinks/food, and running carnival games. These tents are open every night - the night life around here is crazy! After walking through only about one quarter of the vendors, we picked a bar and ordered a drink. We had a great time tasting each other's drinks and chatting before heading home for the night.

On Saturday night the boys organized a potluck. We brought 2 tart/pie-type things at our favorite bakery. To be honest, I'm really not a fan of Italian desserts (except for gelato/chocolate). The things we got were orange and blackberry. The crust was pretty bland - it needed way more sugar and butter. Anyways, there was a ton of food. We had a fruit + yogurt salad, caprese, brochette, seafood stir fry, gnocchi, pasta, fried rice and really really good lime chicken. Basically, I ate way too much.

Sunday night we found a cute little bar near our apartment and watched the World Cup final! Go Spain! It was a long (only one goal in over time), but good game. Both teams obviously deserved to be there. During the game I kept on getting distracted by the different languages being spoken. There were a few people from the Netherlands, some who spoke English, and of course the Italians. I did feel a little bad for the Dutch that were sitting next to me...apparently they've lost in the finals a few times now.

All in all, I had to do a lot of schoolwork this weekend (2 papers/presentations so work on), but I still had time to be social and eat lots of good food!

So because I haven't blogged in so long...I'll just post some pictures from the past week.

Beautiful Trevi Fountain.

Me at Trevi Fountain!

Ananas (pineapple) - pretty legit, although I wasn't in quite enough of a fruity mood. It definitely tasted like pineapple and I paired it with peach, which was a good fruit mix.

Cafe Zero - the next best thing to gelato! It's a frozen coffee dessert that is served frozen or less frozen, sort of like a frapaccino. Anyway, it tasted good, but wasn't super strongly flavored.

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