Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last day in Rome!

Today is my last day in Rome!! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone!

On our way home from class this morning, we stopped at Sarah's favorite bakery (she goes there almost every day) to say bye to her friend. He always giver her tastes, discounts, etc. So Kristin and I go there with her and he cuts us each slices of pizza - thick, salty, yummy crust with some sort of lettuce, tomatoes mozzarella and olive oil. It was delicious. And he wouldn't let her pay for it. I really wanted to try a spinach and cheese one that they had just brought out, so I go and ask for it and hand him a 5 euro bill. He tried to refuse, but I kept on asking him to take my money. So, he went over to the cash register and gave me 4 coins. Thinking he had charged me 2.50 euro or something, I look and he had given me back my 5 euro in coins. People are really really nice around here.

Next, we had to make our entire apartment spotless and pack. I'm crossing my fingers that my suitcase isn't over the 15kg limit! I guess I'll find out tomorrow...

A beautiful street shrine of Mary. There are these all over the city! Sometimes as many as 3 or 4 in a single piazza.

Tonight we have a final, group dinner at a really nice place in the heart of Rome! It looks expensive, so I'm really excited to go and not have to worry about money (the program is paying, with our money, of course). Check out their website if you're curious...

(from the past week)
Pear Granite - First, a little background. Granite is much icier than gelato. Until today, I'd only seen it as lemon-flavored - sort of like a lemon/lemonade snow cone. Anyway, I today I topped this great pear granite on top of my favorite frozen yogurt. It was delicious and reminded me of applesauce (the good stuff my mom makes) with yogurt.

After already having frozen yogurt at lunch, Lisa took us out for gelato after art history...

Grapefruit - This gelato flavor was ok. I'm not a huge fan of grapefruit, but it was fruity and refreshing, which was exactly what I was looking for this afternoon.

Strawberry/raspberry - Ok funny story. I hadn't tried respberry yet and I wanted to, so I said "raspberry" in english. The man working behind the counter didn't hear/understand me, so I said "fragola" which happens to be strawberry. DAMN! I've had strawberry many times and really wanted to get raspberry :(

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