Friday, July 16, 2010


Wooohooo! Today, we flew into Asian Turkey and then crossed the Bosphorus into European Turkey. The picture to the right is just on the Asian edge of the Bosphorus. It's been a very successful traveling day! And, I can add Asia to my list of continents visited.

After driving for about 45 minutes we made it to Bogazici University where I will be staying in the dorms for the next 5 days! I'm staying in a room with 3 other girls (Melissa, Kristin and Sarah - same group as Rome) and then in our suite there is another room of 4 girls. We have a bathroom with 2 showers, toilets, etc., and a kitchenette.

So the bad news about our travel adventure was that many people got things stolen out of their checked bags - luckily mine was not gone through. As a group we lost 2 external hard drives (containing many pictures not located anywhere else), jewelry and a PSP.

Our time n Turkey last night was consumed by an AMAZING dinner. Ready for it? Here is goes...
P.S. I eat beef now! I've had it, and probably other meats that I don't even know what they are, two nights in a row now!

Appetizers of babaganoush, tomato salad, cheese, eggplant + yogurt sauce, eggplant stuffed with rice, all on a hot, puffy bread (not shown).

Course 1: Flat bread + meat + very good grilled onion, tomato and peppers! I'd say this is the Turkish version of a fajita.

Course 1, part 2: The best hamburger I've ever had! It must have been beef with vegetable and wrapped in a flat bread/tortilla thing. This was followed with

Course 2: Woops, didn't get a picture of this! The consisted of individually served pieces of meat. There was chicken, and one or two types of beef. The chicken was amazingly tender and they were both super flavorful!

Dessert, part 2: So part one consisted of watermelon, cherries and Turkish apricots - all very good. This, is pistachio baklava with ice cream. I wasn't a huge fan of this, but definitely gave it a try.

Sorry Rome, this food is way better!

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