Sunday, July 4, 2010


This morning, I was determined to sleep in, and I did so until 8:45. Once I was up, I spent a couple hours catching up on Friday's and yesterday's blogs, and then went out for my morning cappuccino, which took easily less than 10 minutes. Next on the agenda was finishing a long, and hard to read book for class.

Early afternoon, my housemates and I went out for a little exploring and grocery shopping. We trekked up a big hill near our apartment and were able to see the city spanning out for miles below us. See the pictures below!

Poor picture clarity/quality, but this spot has a great view of the city - you'll have to take my word on it!! We were able to locate and recognize many of the main monuments we've been to. I could even find Trajan's Column (my monument for art history)!

A picture of us obscuring the view.

Look Mom - they actually do dry clothes on lines strung from one window to the next!

We decided to go out for dinner tonight and chose a restaurant close to our apartment. I had good, but really salty, fettuccine with artichokes. We split 2 desserts between us, tiramisu and some Spanish cake. Both were disappointing :( At least the food and wine were good!

Notes and Notable Difference
Locking up bikes and motorcycles - Instead of chaining a bike to a rack or pole, Italians simply lock a huge chain (one that can't be cut through) through their wheel's spokes and around a part of the bike. This prevents the bike from being rolled, if stolen.

Cigarette Cartons

Smoking seriously harms you and others around you.

Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attacks and strokes.

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